Survey Mark Data

Sources of survey data

This list contains both professional data and information for recreational hunters, so please note the source of each and evaluate accordingly. Also note that some sources, USGS datasheets in particular, contain many superseded marks that are no longer reliable for survey purposes but are very useful for recreational survey mark hunting.

NGS Database: Datasheets and Survey Mark Recovery
USGS Datasheets
USGS datasheets I have obtained and scanned. USGS does not offer digitized datasheets.
OPUS Shared Solutions Dashboard
Local Control Monument Databases
NOAA Tides & Currents Bench Mark Data Sheets
Tidal benchmark station locations and descriptions
The NOAA CORS Network (NCN) Web Map
USACE (Army Corps of Engineers) Survey Monument Archival & Retrieval Tool
Yellowstone National Park Benchmark Database
Waymarking search for “survey markers”
The Corner Corner

Selected historical data

These sources represent the types of historical documents I often consult when searching for marks, and are specific to the areas I search. You will likely find similar resources for other areas by searching Google Books, the NOAA Library, and the USGS Publications Warehouse.

Results of Spirit Leveling in Arizona. 1899 to 1915, inclusive.
Triangulation in Maine
By Walter F. Reynolds. 1918.
Spirit Leveling in Maine, 1899-1915
By R. B. Marshall. 1916.
Triangulation in Arizona
“1927 datum. Part 1: First- and second-order triangulation in south central part of state, by Clement L. Garner. 1941.”
Precise Leveling in New York City
By Frederick W. Koop. Executed 1909 to 1914.
Triangulation and Primary Traverse, 1913-1915
This USGS Bulletin (#644) provides data and descriptions for triangulation and traverse stations determined between 1913 and 1915. The full document is a large file (205MB); USGS has this file broken down by state/region at USGS Publication Warehouse.
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