RM 07Y 52.70
Spatial/elevation data
Coordinates | N 36.116659° W 115.173071° |
Elevation | Unknown |
Location | Nevada
Clark County Las Vegas SW Quad |
Mark description
Type | Reference Mark Disk |
Setting | Concrete Sidewalk |
Monumented | Unknown by Clark County Surveyor's Office |
Narrative and photographs
For more information about this reference mark, see its parent mark 007Y.
This appears to be a reference marker for 007Y, which I did not locate. There is a listing on waymarking.com for 007Y (see Las Vegas Strip Right of Way Benchmark #007 Y), and although many of the Las Vegas Strip benchmarks listed there have since been destroyed due to construction, I don’t think that would be the case for this one. However, I simply didn’t spot it for some reason. The reference mark is still in good condition with legible stamping.