Spatial/elevation data
Coordinates | N 40.518225° W 76.482991° (estimate) |
Elevation | 546.95 ft. |
Location | Pennsylvania
Lebanon County Pine Grove Quad |
Mark description
Type | Reference Mark Disk |
Setting | Square Concrete Monument |
Monumented | 1960 by NGS |
Description (NGS) | NGS Datasheet |
Narrative and photographs
For more information about this reference mark, see its parent mark HUBER.
The reason I’m listing this one as just a note and not a Not Found is that I really didn’t even bother to look for it. I wasn’t able to find the marks that were found in 2006, and this is one that contributor couldn’t find, so I suspected that the situation wouldn’t be any better now. Maybe if we come back with a metal detector and are able to find the station and/or RM 2, we’ll be able to work backwards and identify the location of RM 1, and determine whether it might still be in place.