Coordinates: N 44.461047° W 68.810089°
Location: Maine
   Waldo County
      Castine Quad
Elevation: Unknown
Type: Landmark/Intersection Station
Setting: Navigation Light
Monumented: Unknown
Monumented By: NGS
Status: Recovered
Condition: Good as of September 5, 2013
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A report on the condition of this survey mark has been submitted to NGS, along with the following recovery note:

Recovered in apparent good condition.

We recovered this station a year later than we could have. I recall noticing it when we first visited Fort Point last year and entertaining the thought that it might be an NGS station. Why I didn’t take a photo of it then, just in case, I don’t know. But this year I was prepared.

The station consists of a red daybeacon atop a tapered stone base. It is listed in Special Publication #46: Geodesy: Triangulation in Maine, by Walter F. Reynolds (1918). The publication indicates that observations on the beacon were taken in 1911.

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