Coordinates: N 44.354019° W 68.138102°
Location: Maine
   Hancock County
      Seal Harbor Quad
Elevation: Unknown
Type: Landmark/Intersection Station
Setting: Lighthouse
Monumented: 1902
Monumented By: NGS
Status: Recovered
Condition: Good as of September 10, 2013
Google Map
A report on the condition of this survey mark has been submitted to NGS.

Egg Rock Lighthouse is an active lighthouse currently maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge. It is situated on Egg Rock in Frenchman Bay, easily visible from the Park Loop Road in Acadia National Park, but best viewed from the bay. The lighthouse was built in 1875. In 1902, it was established as a Coast & Geodetic Survey landmark station.

Thanks to site contributor Sue Maher for her photograph taken from the bay.

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