L 145

Not Found as of September 17, 2018

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 44.30727° W 68.40191° (estimate)
Elevation 51.78 ft.
Location Maine
   Hancock County
      Bartlett Island Quad

Mark description

Type Bench Mark Disk
Setting Rock Outcrop
Monumented 1962 by NGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
Google Map View Full Map

Narrative and photographs

What a bizarre spot for a benchmark—in the middle of a stream?! I’m not sure if it’s really a stream as described, but it’s drainage of some kind. Two large culverts direct water through the area, one from the south and one leading to the west. I was able to make my way into that jungle-like area and walk around (not easily). Most of the rocks in the area were single, loose rocks rather than outcrops, but I saw a few outcrops here and there. However, they were bare and it would have been easy to spot a mark on them. The benchmark is probably still here, but either I didn’t come across the correct outcrop or it was covered in moss or other vegetation. This would be worth another visit.

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