Spatial/elevation data
Coordinates | N 44.241573° W 68.35257° |
Elevation | 5.53 ft. |
Location | Maine
Hancock County Bass Harbor Quad |
Mark description
Type | Chiseled Cross |
Setting | Rock Outcrop |
Monumented | Unknown by NGS |
Description (NGS) | NGS Datasheet |
NGS recovery information
Descriptive text
Recovered in good condition as described in the 2010 recovery note.Narrative and photographs
See also: Shared Solution for TIDAL 4 STA 13
This is a tidal mark like TIDAL 6 STA 13 nearby, but rather than a disk, it’s a cross chiseled in an outcrop. This is quite unusual in my experience, so I was excited to look for this mark. After we found TIDAL 6, I walked across the shell- and seaweed-covered beach (which wasn’t as slippery as it looked) toward the ledge. The cross is a bit difficult to spot, but it’s about two feet south of a metal rod protruding from the ledge, so that should help to locate it. This mark may be difficult to reach at high tide!