NPS (Unstamped, Acadia #3)

Recovered in Good Condition on June 20, 2008

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 44.336733° W 68.204316°
Elevation Unknown
Location Maine
   Hancock County
      Seal Harbor Quad

Mark description

Type Boundary Monument
Setting Granite Monument
Monumented Unknown by National Park Service
Description (National Park Service)Unavailable.
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Narrative and photographs

This morning was wet and chilly, and after breakfast we had very little motivation to do much of anything. After a few hours, though, conditions started to improve, and we hiked the Jordan Pond Trail as our main activity for the day. Then, still searching for some inspiration, we decided to drive around and recover a few of the boundary monuments we had already spotted from the road but hadn’t stopped to photograph.

The first mark we recovered today was an NPS boundary marker, a disk with no designation (that we’re calling #3 simply because it’s the third such disk we’ve found in Acadia). The marker is located on the western side of Otter Creek Road (Maine Route 3) along a boundary between park land and private land. The disk is set in the top of a granite post and its location is indicated by a nearby NPS witness post (these bright orange posts have helped us spot many of the boundary markers in the park while driving by)! The disk and monument appear to be in good condition.

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