U 50

Not Found as of November 30, 2003

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 41.463883° W 75.12445° (estimate)
Elevation 846.02 ft.
Location Pennsylvania
   Pike County
      Hawley Quad

Mark description

Type Bench Mark Disk
Setting Concrete Post
Monumented 1934 by NGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
Google Map View Full Map

Narrative and photographs

After finding nearby LY1238, we thought we’d give this one a try. I expected little because NGS had been unable to find this mark just 25 years after it was monumented, and now it’s been almost 70 years. Because the old railroad station is gone, we used information given in LY1238’s description and measured, using the rails, the appropriate distance to determine where the station once stood. From that point, we were able to locate the approximate spot to begin our search. We probed a wide area around this point, keeping in mind the distances from the station and tracks mentioned in the description. No evidence of the monument or mark was found.

Mark not found.

The railroad station referred to in the historical description no longer exists. It’s former location is difficult to pinpoint since nothing at all seems to remain of the structure. Working back from the location of LY1238, which indicates the railroad station was 300 feet west of “PTS 22,” a wide swath of ground extending roughly 50 yards east from the suspected railroad station and encompassing a distance of 21 feet from the tracks was carefully probed without success. ~Rich in NEPA~

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