S 235

Not Found as of November 7, 2003

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 41.329167° W 75.126116° (estimate)
Elevation 1441.59 ft.
Location Pennsylvania
   Pike County
      Promised Land Quad

Mark description

Type Survey Mark
Setting Bridge Abutment
Monumented 1959 by PA Dept. of Highways
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
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NGS recovery information

Descriptive text

Mark not found. According to PennDOT’s bridge survey database this bridge was rehabilitated in 1980. The wingwalls have been capped with new concrete.

Narrative and photographs

Rich and I were unable to locate this mark. PennDOT’s historic bridge survey database records this bridge as having been rehabilitated since the mark was placed. The text states: “The 36’-long T beam bridge built in 1932 is supported on reinforced concrete abutments with wingwalls. It is finished with safety shape concrete parapets from 1980, when the substructure was also rehabilitated.” (The database can be downloaded from the PennDOT Cultural Resources Management Program Web Site.)

Mark not found.

This second order vertical control station is described as being set in the top surface of the east wingwall of the south abutment of a highway bridge over Notch Brook. The historical description leads reliably to the site. However, the mark was not found. There is visible evidence that this structure was renovated since the station was monumented, the wingwalls having been capped with additional concrete. In the top of the southwest corner of the south end of the west concrete guard wall a chiseled square was found. ~Rich in NEPA~

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