E 237

Not Found as of May 1, 2004

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 41.358583° W 75.09° (estimate)
Elevation 1432.84 ft.
Location Pennsylvania
   Pike County
      Pecks Pond Quad

Mark description

Type Bench Mark Disk
Setting Boulder
Monumented 1959 by NGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
Google Map View Full Map

Narrative and photographs

Although every survey mark hunt is interesting and takes us to a new location, most hunts follow a pretty typical pattern: do some research at home, get a general idea of the mark’s location, travel to the general location, and then use our powers of observation (and sometimes brute force!) to find the mark, sooner or later. Others, despite doing all of the above, continue to elude us. These marks are frustrating but ultimately extremely intriguing—we know they are (or were) out there somewhere, but where? We’re encouraged by past experiences in which we’ve been able to zero in on the proper spot eventually, usually by some balance of logic and serendipity. This time, so far, we haven’t had any success.

This mark was listed as “Not Found” in 1964 by the U. S. Engineers, which may have discouraged other hunters from the start, but plenty of times we’ve been able to find marks when others, even USGS employees, couldn’t. We noticed a discrepancy between the scaled coordinates listed on the datasheet and the area indicated by the to-reach in the description. That led us to wonder whether the Engineers had been following one or the other, and had chosen the incorrect spot. We decided to check the coordinates first, and then follow the to-reach to the second location.

After finding F 237 (LY1152) quite easily, we approached the coordinates for E 237 along an old trail. We couldn’t find the mark on any of the boulders in that area despite an intense search.

Next, we tried the coordinates we had obtained by closely following the to-reach on our digital topo maps. These coordinates put us to the north of I-84, which in the intervening years cut off the old road we were to follow easterly (the final direction in the to-reach). Much of the old road still exists in some form, however—it’s simply cut through by I-84. In a case like this, it’s relevant to consider whether the highway construction might have caused the destruction of the mark, or buried it beneath fill. However, our calculated coordinates, assuming the to-reach is error-free, should put the mark quite well clear of the highway.

I’m looking forward to another search when we’re in the area again!

N 41° 21.515’ W 075° 05.400’

Mark not found.

This second order vertical control station was searched for in two separate locations but not found. There is a significant discrepancy between the posted coordinates and the historical description. The area indicated by the scaled coordinates was searched first, following an old trail to a site that is southwest of F 237. Several groups of boulders were discovered, but the station mark could not be located among any of them. Next, closely utilizing the historical to-reach directions and ignoring the posted coordinates, an area was located just to the north side of I-84 that also held promise with an obvious old woods road and several groups of large boulders on the northwest side, again matching the description well enough. This site is to the northeast of F 237. But, in spite of another intense search the mark remains elusive. I intend to return when time and weather permits to attempt one more search. A new and easier approach to this area was found via Spring Road (south off Blooming Grove Road) to the end of Hatton Road, and to a dim trail that I believe is “the road which is now a trail” as mentioned in the description.

~Rich in NEPA~

Note: The coordinates listed with this log represent what I suspect to be the approximate location of the station.

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