V 30

Not Found as of December 27, 2006

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 41.094716° W 74.946383° (estimate)
Elevation 994.34 ft.
Location New Jersey
   Sussex County
      Flatbrookville Quad

Mark description

Type Bench Mark Disk
Setting Boulder
Monumented 1942 by NGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
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Narrative and photographs

Rich and I think we’ve located the outcropping boulder in which the mark was set, but we have not yet found the disk or any evidence of it. Though the farmhouse and garage mentioned in the description are now gone, it wasn’t difficult to determine where they once stood, and the rock fence still exists. The outcropping boulder we found alongside the road fits the description and all measurements check out, to the best of our knowledge.

At first glance, the boulder appears to be of very poor quality and we initially rejected it as our target, but we then discovered that the rock is splintering only because tree roots have inched their way under and through it—a situation that very likely was not the case when this mark was set. In 1942, the boulder easily could have been solid and stable. The disk itself may be hidden beneath some of the soil and moss that we haven’t yet removed, or it may have been set into a portion of the boulder that has since broken off. A search of the area yielded nothing else as a possibility, but we intend to spend more time searching (and examining the likely boulder) on a warmer day.

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