D 232 PADH

Recovered in Good Condition on May 25, 2012

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 40.951483° W 75.998883°
Elevation 1567.82 ft.
Location Pennsylvania
   Luzerne County
      Hazleton Quad

Mark description

Type Survey Mark
Setting Bridge Wingwall
Monumented 1959 by PA Dept. of Highways
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
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NGS recovery information

Descriptive text

Recovered in good condition.

Narrative and photographs

On my way to the 14th annual Death Hike, I took a slight detour from Route 924 to Old Route 924 in order to search for this mark. The fog was dense, but the bridge was easy enough to spot as I approached, and the standard PDH mark was similarly easy to see from a distance. It is in good condition on the south wingwall of the southwest abutment of the bridge, as described. I found a deer tick on one of the tall weeds in this location (prompting Dr. Monks to wonder whether ticks hang out near benchmarks with the knowledge that sooner or later, someone will arrive and provide a tasty meal)!

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