F 471
Spatial/elevation data
Coordinates | N 31.953888° W 112.799644° (estimate) |
Elevation | 1677.21 ft. |
Location | Arizona
Pima County Lukeville Quad |
Mark description
Type | Steel Rod |
Setting | Steel Rod |
Monumented | 1981 by NGS |
Description (NGS) | NGS Datasheet |
NGS recovery information
Descriptive text
Mark not found. There are several park signs in the immediate area, but none seem to match the description. Witness post not found.Narrative and photographs
After our hike along part of the old Ajo-Sonoyta highway, we were just about done with benchmark hunting for the day—but we had one more on our list. It was supposed to be at the intersection of Ajo Mountain Drive and Highway 85, but we had no luck with this one. The description notes that the mark was a rod without a sleeve, set flush, both of which can make a mark difficult to find as time passes and the landscape changes. The description mentions a park sign; there are a few in the area, but none of them seemed to match the sign described. There was very little else to go on. We couldn’t even find any sign of the witness post or where it might have been established. We think this mark may be below grade now, or possibly even gone due to widening of the highway.