M 308
Spatial/elevation data
Coordinates | N 31.91565° W 112.9334° |
Elevation | 1249.6 ft. |
Location | Arizona
Pima County West of Lukeville Quad |
Mark description
Type | Bench Mark Disk |
Setting | Round Concrete Monument |
Monumented | 1952 by NGS |
Description (NGS) | NGS Datasheet |
NGS recovery information
Descriptive text
Recovered in good condition. The witness post is still present. (Also reported that the monument projects 3 inches.)Narrative and photographs
M 308 was yet another find on our trip along Puerto Blanco Drive this morning. Just like the others, this mark was easy to see from the road as long as you have a good idea where to look. It is also very close to the Mexican border! A Border Patrol vehicle came by while I was documenting the mark, but they left me alone and didn’t stop to inquire about what I was doing.
The disk and monument are in very good condition, and the witness post is intact.