IVY 1935

Not Found as of February 19, 2016

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 24.559046° W 81.808096°
Elevation 3 ft.
Location Florida
   Monroe County
      Key West Quad

Mark description

Type Triangulation Station Disk
Setting Concrete Pier
Monumented 1935 by NGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
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NGS recovery information

Descriptive text

Mark not found. Area is now covered with concrete and red brick.

Narrative and photographs

While on our morning stroll around Key West, we checked the pier for two marks that we had little hope of finding. The first was IVY. About five years ago a geocacher wrote that there appeared to be newer concrete and bricks in the area. Combined with the latest recovery notes on the NGS datasheet, we were pretty sure the mark is no longer accessible, but we’ve found supposedly “missing” marks before, so it was still worth a try. Even a depression in the concrete or a nail on a nearby structure could prove interesting. This time, however, we found nothing. There is indeed newer concrete in the area, which is now a promenade deck in front of the Westin Resort and Marina. The mark may still be in place beneath the concrete, but it’s not feasible to access or use it at this time.

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