222 LRP

Not Found as of July 10, 2020

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 41.58214° W 75.13222° (estimate)
Elevation 1209.429 ft.
Location Pennsylvania
   Wayne County
      White Mills Quad

Mark description

Type Bench Mark Disk
Setting Boulder
Monumented 1965 by USGS
Description (USGS)Beech Lake, 2.0 mi S. of; 35 ft S. and 27 ft E. of, and 2.5 ft higher than centerline of crossroad; in top of large boulder; standard tablet stamped “222 LRP 1965 1209”
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Narrative and photographs

This benchmark was our second attempt for the day, and it worked out about as well as the first one. We found the intersection easily, but there was no large boulder to be found. It might be overgrown but we found a large impression in the yard at the southeast corner of the intersection that looked suspiciously like a boulder might have been there at one point. This is another one that might be worth trying in the late fall or winter, or asking the homeowners when they are present.

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