
Recovered in Good Condition on June 13, 2015

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 41.70182° W 75.3698°
Elevation Unknown
Location Pennsylvania
   Wayne County
      Aldenville Quad

Mark description

Type Unspecified Disk
Setting Bridge Wingwall
Monumented 2004 by PA Dept. of Highways
Description (PA Dept. of Highways)Unavailable.
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Narrative and photographs

This is another old PDH disk found unintentionally, as they so often are, when we just happened to see an old concrete bridge and check its wingwalls. This one is stamped with a relatively new designation following PennDOT’s code ({year} - {county code} - {route number} - {disk number in line}). It also happens to be very close to two neat old buildings: the Stonewall Inn, which is mentioned in the description of nearby 33 M, and the O. C. Miller House. I’m not sure who he was or what the property is now used for, but it was a fun find. The disk and bridge appear to be in good condition.

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