Recovered in Good Condition on September 29, 2006

Spatial/elevation data

Coordinates N 38.661183° W 78.320233°
Elevation 2297.8 ft.
Location Virginia
   Rappahannock County
      Thornton Gap Quad

Mark description

Type Azimuth Mark Disk
Setting Boulder
Monumented 1965 by NGS
Description (NGS)NGS Datasheet
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A report on the condition of this survey mark has been submitted to NGS.

Narrative and photographs

For more information about this reference mark, see its parent mark MARY.

This was the second benchmark hunt (and the first totally successful one) of our first day in Shenandoah National Park. Rich and I entered the park in Front Royal, at the northern terminus of Skyline Drive, and spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying a leisurely drive through the northern section of the park, stopping here and there at various overlooks and attractions. The interchange with Route 211 was our stopping point for today, and how appropriate! — an azimuth mark was located somewhere in the grassy area encircled by the exit ramp. A short walk through the scratchy brush brought us directly to a large boulder and the mark set on top. It’s in good condition, and no additions or corrections to the datasheet description are necessary.

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