Accessing PA Historic Type 10 Maps

I often refer to PennDOT’s historic county maps, specifically their “Historic General Highway Series” Type 10 maps ranging from the early 1900s through the early 2000s. Their website was redesigned recently, and while the Type 10 maps are listed, the links included in their listings do not actually bring up the maps. Here is a process for accessing the maps until the issue is resolved.

Note: There is a similar issue with the current Type 5 maps; I don’t generally use these, but if you do and would like me to post the information about accessing them, please comment below or contact me via the form in the footer.

I appreciated receiving an immediate response to my request for help. The person who wrote to me from PennDOT stated:

Specific Type 10 Historical maps can be accessed with the following 3 step process:

  1. Go to
  2. Find and copy the filename for the map you want to access from the attach listing.
  3. Change the filename portion in the URL to the filename of the map you wish to access (e.g., change “Adams_1916.pdf” to “Washington_1990_Sheet_1.pdf)

Cumbersome, but a relatively easy way to access Type 10 Historical maps until the issues with the page are resolved

I used that information to create the list of links below. (If you want the text file itself, or you can download it here: Type10_Historical_listing.txt)

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